Tuesday 31 January 2012

1st February 2012

Almost the first half day I was so happy, because someone sent me a message! Well, I could say my characteristics really fit to be a pisces, like day dreaming and romantics......Those things, in my perception, can be accepted by in people's eyes, I'm unrealistic, very fake, virtual......A single message itself could bring me up to the mountain top or drag me to the bottom of the mountain. When I'm happy, I'm more productive, but still behind others', I know that! But what to do, my skin is itchy and has got red rashes on the joints! It's hard to sustain in such a way!

Well, later at around 7pm, we will be going for an office dinner at Sim Sim 88 and I don't really have any idea on where this place is, so better I follow other's car. That is more secured. I'm not so excited about this dinner. I think I'm more excited to receive positive messages than the rest of the things in my life. Positive messages really could help to boost my energy, and I just don't really understand why, though the messages are not true from the bottom of the heart.

One night, it was such a great coincidence that the TV was on and the program was about the collaboration of three countries, namely China, Malaysia and Vietnam! They combined the cultures together, but they are really a good combination because most of them are similar. Wow! Such a good coincidence of where to find such kinds that I never experienced before, not until we went to Vietnam for short vacation. I so wished the vacation period could be longer but it ended up only one week. I hope our next vacation to back to Vietnam can be sooner!

So wish we could be in Vietnam for Tet =( But what if I work there? haha!! Then, at anytime, I could be there =)

Thursday 26 January 2012

5th Day of Chinese New Year

Yup, today has been the 5th day of Chinese New Year. The year of Dragon has been bringing a lot of rainfalls. Almost everyday, it has been raining like this, it makes my heart cold. Very few people coming back to work, at least for the 2 days before, here in the office had been sooo quiet! And thus, I had been doing some studies on the history and people of Vietnam. For some reasons, I started to love this country a lot, though it might not be the best and the most favourable. I have found the good and evil part of this country. During the Christmas Year 2011, we, as a family had gone to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam for a vacation. For the first choice, of course I would, and my parents would choose to fly to Hanoi, as I told my parents that my nominal sister is there, ready to tour us. But finally it turned out to be Hanoi as our destination instead though in between, we had discussed to fly to Da Nang. Well, I would say fate brought us there.
Ho Chi Minh, for the first impression it gave me, was dirty and in mess, not organised and the level of education is quite low, compared to Malaysia's. Well, I should be doing my work now, but the figures just made me so nausea and I couldn't stop myself diverted to other type of things. I should change my bad habit!
Well, it's okay and fine. We had very hard time to get ourselves to understand how we could express ourselves to the locals. Of course, in the Duc Vuong Hotel that we stayed, we had no much obstacle in expressing ourselves and understanding them. But, when we stepped out, things just went haywire, especially when we wanted to buy things and tried our best we could to bargain for the best prices.
About traffic system, it was just sooo frightening and stunning! Almost everyday, we had to take deep breathe before crossing the road! And furthermore, the pedestrian paths were not made specially for pedestrians but for the bikes as well! Everyday, uncounttable bikes went here and there, dragging our hearts away! Wow!! Such an adventurous trip we had! But, finally, I started to love the traffic system there, and when coming back to Sandakan, I just feel want to sleep everyday. Here, the life has been sooo dull and makes me even no mood to do my stressful work!
The vegetables and fruits in Vietnam are so blessed! Not like here, we hardly could find things that are edible by human! No wonder those ladies in Vietnam have been, all the while, being regarded as angels and devils! People in Vietnam that we found have been so nice and kind and polite as well! I found in the net that they treat their families very well, their families education are just like the Chinese's, and I think it has got to do with the influence Chinese had implanted so many years ago.
Well, I'm so happy I got to know some new friends in this trip and some of them, I still keep in touch with, and some, I think they just have forgotten us. Of course, the almost only one that I'm so concern now, I wish he could keep on giving me messages. For one more reason for this, I hope he could successfully complete his university course and could improve his English! All the Best to Him!