Sunday, 24 July 2011

25 JuLy 2011

Dear Monday, would you please let me have time to rest more? One tiring week has gone, and the job I had requested one, is just sitting here, not much changes yet, sad......I have always been hoping that yes, I have done this below my budgeted time, but the fact is, I couldn't!! The one that did this audit last year was I think, by observation so far, an efficient one. Can I be a quarter of hers? Hopefully.

The last whole week, I've been busy on completing my Dec Year End jobs and now turned out that one more file left not yet approved by partner. But anyway, it's a great relief that I have finished my side income job, which is a very torturing job, I would consider it as. I love to write but at least not that urgent,, the fee received is only enough to spend for 1 week or two, and it's so frustrating that my brother didn't have much to do about lift up the fee a bit because he had agreed at the fee at the first place. Turning his head away means cheating! Well, just to tolerate a bit, as my brother has been so busy also, and it's kinda fair that I've delegate portion of the works to him, so I won't have to crack my entire head for the job. So, I consider it as segregation of duties that brings the better works.

So now, I hope I could focus much on this job so that it won't drag me 2 weeks to finish it, at least to be faster after I've done so many jobs so far, and people are always expecting a better me, and very weird to say that I could not exert more, lack of momentum!! And I didn't attend church meeting yesterday! I didn't teach in the Sunday School! Plus, I didn't say Goodbye to dear Nathan by my mouth!! That's a punishment for me?

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